Paint and Sip Consuelo Murphy

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Paint and Sip Consuelo Murphy
Paint and Sip Consuelo Murphy

Paint and Sip with Consuelo Soto-Murphy - Only 15 Spots available! - $45 per guest

Consuelo Soto Murphy grew up as a child migrant worker. Along with her family, Consuelo followed field work across the United States, season to season, before eventually settling in the Yakima Valley of the Pacific Northwest. Despite the grueling, backbreaking work, Consuelo's art pieces are inspired by the positive memories of the beautiful landscapes, the flourishing crops, and the love and relationships forged with her family and friends.

Consuelo will help guests design their own canvas painting of Spring farm labor. Includes all painting materials and a glass of wine/or sparkling water. Additional wines by the glass or bottle available for purchase. Light charcuterie will be provided.

Call for more info: 509.578.1009 or email:


$45 per Guest

For more info, call: 509.578.1009

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400 Bradley Blvd, #102, Richland WA

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